Dres. Schwarz, Lägel, Heinen & colleagues

By constantly expanding our range of diagnoses and therapies and consistently improving our quality of service, we aim to take a leading role among the ophthalmic practices in south-west Germany Therefore we established the "Augenzentrum Westpfalz" in Kaiserslautern in the beginning of 2011.
We use the latest and most innovative technologies and methods to treat each patient according to the motto: "How would we treat or diagnose our family with this disease"?
The quality of diagnosis and therapy has the highest priority for us.
Our diagnostics and therapy focus on conventional medical procedures, which can be complemented by alternative procedures if necessary. Our therapy is carried out according to the most reasonable and gentle procedure. Conventional medical procedures can be combined with alternative procedures.
Many therapeutic successes through alternative healing methods can still not be explained. But: He who cures is proven, especially if he cures reproducibly. That is why we also follow other paths than just conventional medicine.
We are proud of our extremely committed female staff: They are our most important potential. We see ourselves as a team (therefore the same practice clothing) with different areas of responsibility and treat each other with respect. We attach great importance to education and continuous training.
We expect high motivation, competence and flexibility from our staff. This already starts with the appointment by telephone (with a friendly voice). Our daily motto: "Already smiled today?" ends with helping e.g., disabled or visually impaired patients.
Constructive criticism is very important to us and always welcome. This is the only way to “see the forest for the trees”, even years later.
Your eye health is close to our heart and we appreciate the special trust in your choice of eye doctor. You will find this appreciation reflected in the quality of our work and our commitment to you.
Best regards,
Your ophthalmologists
Dr. Schwarz, Dr. Lägel, Dr. Heinen, colleagues and team